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# Component Diagram # Component Diagram
### What is this repository for? ###
This represents the Kie Server and Drools workbench setup for build the backend for crop rotaiton planner. The front end is inside the soli analysis component. Its a react native app and please run htat first before execute these. So we are going to setup basically the rules engine, though it can have more capabilities than rules.
Once we start this we can run the rules we create in the drools-workbench. We can start it embedded also in our application
but we lose the ability to develop rules faster. Once we create a rule in workbench we can deploy it on the KIE server and our
application will interact with it.
### How do I get set up? ###
Just build the docker image or pull the image and run.
docker pull jboss/drools-workbench-showcase
docker pull jboss/kie-server-showcase
Start by running
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8001:8001 -d --name drools-workbench jboss/drools-workbench-showcase:latest
# NOTE: Consider ' drools-workbench' as the name of your busines-central-showcase workbench running container.
docker run -p 8180:8080 -d --name kie-server --link drools-workbench:kie-wb quay.io/kiegroup/kie-server-showcase:latest
drools-workbench is the drools workbench container name. By linking them workbench can see all kie instances.
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![Image](./readmeImages/image.png) ![Image](./readmeImages/image.png)
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