Commit 7b7f09cc authored by Jayawardena K R U S's avatar Jayawardena K R U S


parent 68170468
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Topic: Customer Supportive Island-wide Courier Service Platform
Main Objective: To improve the efficiency of the vehicle service process via process re-engineering and optimization in the automobile industry to provide user satisfaction.
Main Research Question: How do the process re-engineering and optimization improve the efficiency of the vehicle service process and improve customer satisfaction in a vehicle service station?
Main Objective: The main objective is to develop a comprehensive and customer-friendly island-wide courier service platform that addresses the shortcomings of existing services in Sri Lanka.
Main Research Question: The research aims to identify key innovations, both technological and in the business model, that can be implemented within a comprehensive courier service platform to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize revenue growth. It also investigates how customer feedback and market analysis can be effectively utilized to continuously improve and update the platform, aligning it with evolving needs and trends. Furthermore, the study examines the pain points and shortcomings of existing courier services in Sri Lanka, aiming to propose solutions that deliver a customer-friendly and efficient service. Lastly, the research explores strategies for establishing and managing partnerships with local courier services to expand platform coverage, particularly in underserved areas, providing island-wide reach.
Individual Research Questions:
- How to improve customer satisfaction and service quality?
- How to assign employees for the relevant job?
- How does the prediction of customer retention affect the vehicle service center’s profitability?
- How to detect vehicle number plates of the characters with mud or dirt and in Sinhala language only after a vehicle arrives to service center?
- How does demand forecasting with dynamic price changes affects for service center’s cost allocation to continue initial services in vehicle service center?
- How can we develop and implement an efficient delivery routing system for our courier service platform that optimizes our delivery routes, reduces operational costs, and ensures timely package delivery?
- How to track the performance of the courier service based on the delivery status?
- How to track the performance of the courier service based on the customer churning ?
- How to produce cost effective and accurate solution to resolve the customer support problems in domestic courier services?
- How can we implement a safety secured packaging system for ensure that the package that has been delivered is in the best condition without any damage or without unwrapped?
- How can we develop a system to check previous orders of the customers?
Individual Objectives:
- To allocate employees with resources for a specified service, predict employee efficiency in service station.
- To evaluate the impact on vehicle service center’s profitability based on customer return prediction.
- Predict the next vehicle service date and notify customers through an email in order to maintain vehicle endurance and enhance customer contentment.
- The main objective of implementing an efficient delivery routing system in Sri Lanka's courier service industry is to improve operational efficiency, reduce delivery times and costs, and stay competitive in the market by automating and optimizing the delivery process.
- Create a smart performance tracking system based on the delivery status and customer churning.
- Implement a accurate solution to resolve the customer support problems in domestic courier services
- predict customers’ future demand for products or services and future cost of specific services considering dynamic change of prices using machine learning algorithms.
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