Commit ff03cfbb authored by Piumi Navoda's avatar Piumi Navoda

data keywords creation

parent 8d7065ec
import librosa
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
SAVED_MODEL_PATH = "model.h5"
class _Keyword_Spotting_Service:
"""Singleton class for keyword spotting inference with trained models.
:param model: Trained model
model = None
_mapping = [
_instance = None
def predict(self, file_path):
:param file_path (str): Path to audio file to predict
:return predicted_keyword (str): Keyword predicted by the model
# extract MFCC
MFCCs = self.preprocess(file_path)
# we need a 4-dim array to feed to the model for prediction: (# samples, # time steps, # coefficients, 1)
MFCCs = MFCCs[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
# get the predicted label
predictions = self.model.predict(MFCCs)
predicted_index = np.argmax(predictions)
predicted_keyword = self._mapping[predicted_index]
return predicted_keyword
def preprocess(self, file_path, num_mfcc=13, n_fft=2048, hop_length=512):
"""Extract MFCCs from audio file.
:param file_path (str): Path of audio file
:param num_mfcc (int): # of coefficients to extract
:param n_fft (int): Interval we consider to apply STFT. Measured in # of samples
:param hop_length (int): Sliding window for STFT. Measured in # of samples
:return MFCCs (ndarray): 2-dim array with MFCC data of shape (# time steps, # coefficients)
# load audio file
signal, sample_rate = librosa.load(file_path)
if len(signal) >= SAMPLES_TO_CONSIDER:
# ensure consistency of the length of the signal
signal = signal[:SAMPLES_TO_CONSIDER]
# extract MFCCs
MFCCs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=signal, sr=sample_rate, n_mfcc=num_mfcc, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length)
return MFCCs.T
def Keyword_Spotting_Service():
"""Factory function for Keyword_Spotting_Service class.
:return _Keyword_Spotting_Service._instance (_Keyword_Spotting_Service):
# ensure an instance is created only the first time the factory function is called
if _Keyword_Spotting_Service._instance is None:
_Keyword_Spotting_Service._instance = _Keyword_Spotting_Service()
_Keyword_Spotting_Service.model = tf.keras.models.load_model(SAVED_MODEL_PATH)
return _Keyword_Spotting_Service._instance
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create 2 instances of the keyword spotting service
kss = Keyword_Spotting_Service()
kss1 = Keyword_Spotting_Service()
# check that different instances of the keyword spotting service point back to the same object (singleton)
assert kss is kss1
# make a prediction
keyword = kss.predict("Sample1.wav")
keyword1 = kss.predict("Sample2.wav")
keyword2 = kss.predict("Sample3.wav")
keyword3 = kss.predict("Sample4.wav")
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