Commit 51e750e9 authored by Praveen Deshan P.A's avatar Praveen Deshan P.A


parent 4b8dba1b
· Main objective · Main objective
This project aims to create a web app to improve the mathematical education and self-assessment progress of primary
school students with hearing disabilities who use sign language. The goal is to address the lack of resources in this area and
provide a digital platform to enhance their learning experience.
· Main Research questions · Main Research questions
· Individual research question Despite the increasing availability of educational apps, there is a lack of comprehensive and accessible mathematics learning solutions specifically tailored to the needs of deaf children using sign language. Existing applications often neglect the importance of visual aids, personalized learning, and machine learning technologies in enhancing the mathematical skills of deaf students. This research aims to address these gaps by developing and evaluating SignMath, an innovative app that integrates Sri Lankan Sign Language, interactive visualizations, and adaptive learning techniques to provide an inclusive and effective mathematics learning experience for deaf children.
· Individual Objectives
Praveen Deshan P.A
Designing a Novel Interactive Learning Environment for Teaching and Evaluating Numbers & Basic Mathematical Operations of Mathematics
W.A.G Lakshitha
Enhancing Learning Experience through Game and Design Environment to Teaching Simple Sentence Questions
Wickramarathna T.D
Developing a Curriculum for Teaching Simple Units & Measurements and Evaluate Their Progress and Implement a Student Profile System
· Individual Objectives, Thathsarani G.D
Designing an Interactive Learning Environment for Teaching coints & Currency notes and Basic Currency Identification Game
· Other necessary information
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