Commit 5e599b4d authored by Herath U.M.G.T's avatar Herath U.M.G.T


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# Sea Cense – A Commercially Valued Sea Cucumber Analyzer
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## Abstract
In Sri Lanka, sea cucumbers are a highly sought-after marine product that is traded abroad. It has gained significant attention in recent years due to its high demand in the seafood market and potential medicinal properties. For the seafood industry and researchers, it is still difficult to analyze sea cucumbers accurately and effectively. This study offers an innovative solution which is of high economic value “Sea Cense” that automates the evaluation and classification of sea cucumbers utilizing advanced computer vision and machine learning approaches. The proposed analyzer incorporates a multi-step approach, including image preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. A set of preprocessed images are used to extract morphological, textural, and color-based distinguishing characteristics. These characteristics are then used to accurately classify sea cucumber species and grade them according to quality criteria using a machine learning algorithm. This project introduces a novel approach to analyze sea cucumber length to calculate the price using a mobile application, making the task more efficient and accessible. The proposed solution “Sea Cense” comprises of 2 models that utilizes CNN algorithm.
# SeaCense - Mobile Application
"SeaCense" is a mobile application solution aimed at improving the
identification and processing of live and dried sea cucumbers while offering an
effective prediction system to determine the survival rate of juvenile sea cucumbers.
Main Objective -
“SeaCense" is a solution to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in
identifying the live and processed (dried) sea cucumbers through enhanced technology
while providing an efficient prediction system related to the survival rate of juveniles,
animal growth, price prediction, and quality to increase the revenues earned by sea cucumber industry
in Sri Lanka and to build up the economic conditions of sea cucumber farming communities in Sri Lanka
Main Research Questions -
The industry has not been able to fully realize its
potential as a result of barriers like insufficient and inaccurate methods for identifying sea cucumber species,
projecting their growth and survival rates, and figuring out the quality of commercially valuable sea cucumber varieties,
despite the fact that Sri Lanka has a lot of potential for sea cucumber farming and exports.
IT20024222- T.N.Hettiarachchi
Individual Research Question-
Currently, species identification shall happen only by well-experienced individuals
through their naked eye and no technology is used in the process and there are a very minimal amount of records related to the animals.
Individual Research Objective-
To categorize and combine different species of sea cucumber based on their physical and taxonomic characteristics for easy identification purposes.
IT20142278- T.K.K Jayasekara
Individual Research Question-
most research on sea cucumber juveniles in Sri Lanka has focused
on their biology and ecology. There is a lack of research into the use of technology and image processing
to predict the growth and survival rate of these species. Further research is needed to understand the potential of technology to
effectively predict the growth and biomass of sea cucumber juveniles in Sri Lanka.
Individual Research Objective-
Identify the size and wet weight of sea cucumber juveniles using image processing and then by its initial wet weight and
the categorization we identify earlier, predicting it’s survival rate, specific growth rate per day, weight gain as a percentage and
total biomass of it with the help of the mobile application.
IT20256500- R.K.M Thushamini
Individual Research Question-
How to identify the weight of the sea cucumbers based on the length of the individual and predict their market value in Sri Lanka based on their weight.
Individual Research Objective-
Using image processing to identify the length of the sea cucumber and estimate the wet weight of it
and predicting the prices relevant to the wet weight with the help of the mobile application.
IT19065922- U.M.G.T Herath
Individual Research Question-
How to Identify the processed sea cucumbers and how to predict whether they are in proper export quality
based on color and appearance through image processing overriding the visual inspection mechanism that is currently being practiced in Sri Lanka.
Individual Research Objective-
Develop a standardized method to assess the quality of processed sea cucumbers based on visual aspects (color and appearance).
Other Necessary Information-
Supervisor- Ms.Buddhima Aththanayaka
Co-Supervisor- Ms.Narmada Gamage
External Supervisor - Dr. Chamari Dissanayaka
Data collected from - Suganth International
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