Commit f722cc6b authored by Kaarunyan sritharan's avatar Kaarunyan sritharan

simulate the dass

parent 72e3c7db
from logic.states import init, progress, absorbing, verify_states
from import verify_ads, eligible_in_state
from util.validate import verify, seq, prob
from util.stats import describe
def sample_impressibilites(impress_function_per_add, n):
:param impress_function_per_add: dictionary of functions for each ad that will
sample impressibility for given user numbers
:param n: number of users to sample for
imp = {ad: f(n) for ad, f in impress_function_per_add.items()}
verify(seq(seq(prob)), list(imp.values()))
return imp
def streams(states, ads, impress, n=10):
"""Generate n streams based on states
:param states: dictionary as defined verify_states
:param ads: dictionary as defined in verify_ads
:param impress: input function for sample_impressibilites
:param n: number of streams"""
# impressibility per ad per user
impress_ad_user = sample_impressibilites(impress, n)
absorbing_states = absorbing(states)
streams_all_users = []
views_all_users = []
for user in range(n):
state = init(states) # current state
stream = [state] # names of states user traverses
views = [] # ad views as (ad,index)
i = 0
while state not in absorbing_states:
# pick first ad eligible in current state
ad_options = eligible_in_state(ads, states['names'][state])
if ad_options:
ad = ad_options[0]
ad_name = ads['names'][ad]
# If user targeted by ad type?"
# print(ad, user, impress_ad_user)
if impress_ad_user[ad_name][user] >= ads['min_impress'][ad]:
views.append((ad_name, i))
state = progress(state, states)
i += 1
views_stats = describe(list(map(len, views_all_users)))
return {
'stats': {'users': n, 'views': views_stats},
'streams': streams_all_users,
'views': views_all_users,
'impressibilities': impress_ad_user
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