<p>ColorCube is an accessibility (<abbr title="">a11y</abbr>) tool aimed at designers and developers. From a list of colors, we produce performance information with common color combinations. And then we give you the tools to adjust those colors until they pass the recommended color contrast ratios.</p>
<p><strong class="text-light">Why?</strong> At Oomph we believe a better web is an accessible web for all. We wanted a tool that could be used before a project starts — one that helps assess how an existing brand color palette performs. Starting early means that we can make adjustments early to avoid non-accessible color combinations later. </p>
<p>Corporate brand color palettes often do not take accessibility into account. And their colors are hard to change. By changing the saturation or brightness of a color <em>but not the hue</em> the color intention is preserved. Most users may not even notice that the color has been adjusted for readability.</p>
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<p><small>Made with <span aria-title="love">❤</span> in 2017 at Oomph, Inc. Last update October, 2019. Open source project with MIT license. <a title="Go to GitHub in a new window." target="_blank" href="https://github.com/oomphinc/colorcube">Contribute to the GitHub repo</a>.</small></p>
<p><small><strong class="text-uppercase">Disclaimer:</strong> The algorithm used in this tool and subsequent results are based on the luminosity algorithm recommended in the WCAG 2.0 guidelines to test for contrast. This tool is for general assessment purposes only and not a guarantee of compliance. This open-source visual tool is not optimized for screen readers. </small></p>