Commit 8c5ce574 authored by NaweenTharuka's avatar NaweenTharuka

feat: Updated Video emotion views

parent b2a014bc
......@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ cascPath = "F:\\CDAP-PRESENTLY\\21_22-j-02\\Presently\\presently\\users\\models\
def _get_labels():
return {
0: "angry",
1: "disgust",
2: "fear",
3: "happy",
4: "sad",
5: "surprise",
6: "neutral",
0: "Angry",
1: "Disgust",
2: "Fear",
3: "Happy",
4: "Sad",
5: "Surprise",
6: "Neutral",
def tosquare(bbox):
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<div class="col-lg-3 text-center"> <span class="pie-chart" data-percent="{{ value }}"> <span
class="percent"></span> </span>
<h4>{{ key }}</h4>
<p>{{ value }}</p>
<p>percent: {{ value }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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