Commit 6d2d6ba3 authored by Karunarathna K.M.D.Y.K's avatar Karunarathna K.M.D.Y.K

Merge branch 'IT19975382' into 'master'

Added image util providers

See merge request !14
parents dd57c792 fca3d4be
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ImageUtilProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
ImageProvider? _image;
String? _imagePath;
String imageUrl = '';
String? get imagePath => _imagePath;
ImageProvider? get image => _image;
set image(ImageProvider? image) {
_image = image;
set imagePath(String? imagePath) {
_imagePath = imagePath;
void clearImage() {
_image = null;
_imagePath = null;
void setImageUrl(String url) {
imageUrl = url;
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