Commit a0f9dc62 authored by Mohammed Azzam M.A's avatar Mohammed Azzam M.A

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parent 92d15ca0
As implemented in but with some modifications
For each detected item, it computes the intersection over union (IOU) w.r.t. each tracked object. (IOU matrix)
Then, it applies the Hungarian algorithm (via linear_assignment) to assign each det. item to the best possible
# Find lost tracklets
unmatched_trackers = []
for t, trk in enumerate(trackers):
if t not in matched_indices[:, 1]:
# Filter out matched with low IOU
matches = []
for m in matched_indices:
if iou_matrix[m[0], m[1]] < iou_threshold:
matches.append(m.reshape(1, 2))
if len(matches) == 0:
matches = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int)
matches = np.concatenate(matches, axis=0)
return matches, np.array(unmatched_detections), np.array(unmatched_trackers)
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