Commit aa73d62f authored by oshan's avatar oshan


parent 41e4d66a
# 23-064
Improve productivity and create a professional Sri Lankan film industry.
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Improve productivity and create a professional Sri Lankan film industry.
Main objective :
Main Research questions : Without any guidelines, movies are exhibited in theaters in Sri Lanka. There are no established standard ratings for choosing performers for movies. lack of a platform that is appropriate for aspiring copywriters, cameramen, and editors to showcase their abilities. There is no guidance for new upcoming directors or filmmakers. It's a major issue when deciding who is the best fit for the acting job. The majority of movies today don't schedule their release dates based on their quality. According to people's interests, they are scheduling. The result was the degradation of the quality films. There is not enough marketing procedure based on product quality. A movie's capacity for marketing declines.
Individual research question :
Individual Objectives :
Other necessary information :
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