Commit f81d3162 authored by Nimesh0630's avatar Nimesh0630

Added code files to my part

Chucky :)
parent 86b0672c
import joblib
import re
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from tkinter import messagebox
# Load the dumped models
classifier = joblib.load('naive_bayes_model.joblib')
cv = joblib.load('count_vectorizer.joblib')
# Function to Clean the texts
def preprocess_text(text):
log = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', text)
log = log.lower()
log = log.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
log = [ps.stem(word) for word in log if not word in set(stopwords.words('english'))]
log = ' '.join(log)
return log
# New log insert
new_text = input("Enter the traffic info: ")
preprocessed_text = preprocess_text(new_text)
# Use the loaded CountVectorizer object to transform the preprocessed text into a bag of words representation
new_text_bow = cv.transform([preprocessed_text]).toarray()
# Use the loaded GaussianNB object to make predictions on the new log data
predicted_class = classifier.predict(new_text_bow)
# Display a pop-up message based on the predicted class
if predicted_class:
messagebox.showinfo("Anomaly Detected", "Anomaly detected in the traffic!")
messagebox.showinfo("No Anomaly", "No anomaly detected in the traffic.")
# Non Malicious Packet Info
# Adjacency Message (Syn)
# 19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0
# Malicious Packet Info
# 80 > 51451 [ACK] Seq=214260 Ack=712 Win=16128 Len=1460 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
# 80 > 49234 [PSH, ACK] Seq=500760 Ack=325 Win=64240 Len=1448 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
"1","0.000000","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=4128 Len=0 MSS=1460"
"2","0.000000","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=4128 Len=0 MSS=1460"
"3","0.000000","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=4128 Len=0"
"4","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Syn)"
"5","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Syn)"
"6","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (SynAck)"
"7","0.008000","","","ANCP","136","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"8","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"9","0.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=145 Ack=145 Win=3984 Len=0"
"10","10.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"11","10.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"12","10.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=193 Ack=193 Win=3936 Len=0"
"13","20.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"14","20.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"15","20.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=241 Ack=241 Win=3888 Len=0"
"16","30.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"17","30.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"18","30.215998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=289 Ack=289 Win=3840 Len=0"
"19","40.016000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"20","40.016000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"21","40.215998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=337 Win=3792 Len=0"
"22","40.215998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=337 Win=3792 Len=0"
"23","44.107999","","","ANCP","120","Port-Management Message"
"24","44.327997","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=417 Win=3712 Len=0"
"25","44.936000","","","ANCP","124","Port-Management Message"
"26","45.147999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=417 Ack=421 Win=3708 Len=0"
"27","50.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"28","50.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"29","50.235998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=465 Ack=469 Win=3660 Len=0"
"30","60.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"31","60.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"32","60.227998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=517 Ack=513 Win=3616 Len=0"
"33","68.255998","","","ANCP","120","Port-Management Message"
"34","68.455996","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=517 Ack=593 Win=3536 Len=0"
"35","68.864001","","","ANCP","96","Port-Management Message"
"36","69.063999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=593 Ack=573 Win=3556 Len=0"
"37","70.024000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"38","70.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"39","70.255998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=621 Ack=641 Win=3488 Len=0"
"40","80.024000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"41","80.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"42","80.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=669 Ack=689 Win=3440 Len=0"
"43","81.355997","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"44","81.556003","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=761 Win=3368 Len=0"
"45","82.463996","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"46","82.664002","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=853 Win=3276 Len=0"
"47","84.716002","","","ANCP","116","Port-Down Message"
"48","84.916000","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=929 Win=3200 Len=0"
"49","85.684002","","","ANCP","116","Port-Down Message"
"50","85.884001","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=1005 Win=3124 Len=0"
"51","90.035999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"52","90.055999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"53","90.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1053 Ack=737 Win=3392 Len=0"
"54","90.984000","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"55","91.183998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=737 Ack=1145 Win=2984 Len=0"
"56","91.896001","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"57","92.095999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=737 Ack=1237 Win=2892 Len=0"
"58","100.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"59","100.063999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"60","100.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"16","3.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"17","3.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"18","3.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"19","3.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"20","3.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"21","4.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"22","4.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"23","4.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"24","4.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"25","4.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"26","5.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"27","5.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"28","5.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"29","5.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"30","5.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"31","6.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"16","3.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"17","3.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"18","3.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"19","3.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"20","3.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"21","4.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"22","4.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"23","4.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"24","4.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"25","4.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","IPv4","1010","Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=b5d0) [Reassembled in #2]"
"2","0.000065","","","ICMP","466","Echo (ping) request id=0x13c2, seq=1/256, ttl=64 (reply in 3)"
"3","0.000509","","","ICMP","1442","Echo (ping) reply id=0x13c2, seq=1/256, ttl=64 (request in 2)"
"1","0.000000","fe80::205:5:5:5","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","105","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
"2","25.410000","fe80::214:14:14:14","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","97","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
"3","198.440000","fe80::20a:a:a:a","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","113","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
# Natural Language Processing for Predict Network Anomaly
# Importing the libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import joblib
# Importing the dataset
dataset = pd.read_csv('dataset.tsv', delimiter = '\t', quoting = 3)
# Cleaning the texts
import re
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
corpus = []
for i in range(0, 5550):
log = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', dataset['Info'][i])
log = log.lower()
log = log.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
log = [ps.stem(word) for word in log if not word in set(stopwords.words('english'))]
log = ' '.join(log)
# Creating the Bag of Words model
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(max_features = 3000)
X = cv.fit_transform(corpus).toarray()
y = dataset.iloc[:, 1].values
# Splitting the dataset into the Training set and Test set
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.20, random_state = 0)
# Training the Naive Bayes model on the Training set
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
classifier = GaussianNB(), y_train)
# Predicting the Test set results
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
# Making the Confusion Matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
print("Confusion Matrix")
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print('Accuracy: %.3f' % accuracy)
#Precision Score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='binary')
print('Precision: %.3f' % precision)
#Recall Score
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
print('Recall: %.3f' % recall)
#F1 Score
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='binary')
print('F1 Score: %.3f' % f1)
print("Predicted Outcomes of the Model")
print("Actual Outcomes of the Predicted Results")
# Visualizing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, cmap='Blues')
plt.title('Confusion Matrix')
plt.xlabel('Predicted Label')
plt.ylabel('True Label')
# Calculating the number of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred).ravel()
# Creating a bar chart to show the comparison between the predicted and true outcomes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()['True Negatives', 'False Positives', 'False Negatives', 'True Positives'], [tn, fp, fn, tp])
ax.set_title('Comparison of Predicted and True Outcomes')
# Dumping the trained model to a file
joblib.dump(classifier, 'naive_bayes_model.joblib')
# Dumping the CountVectorizer
joblib.dump(cv, 'count_vectorizer.joblib')
\ No newline at end of file
# Non Malicious Packet Info
# Adjacency Message (Syn)
# 19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0
# Malicious Packet Info
# 80 > 51451 [ACK] Seq=214260 Ack=712 Win=16128 Len=1460 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
# 80 > 49234 [PSH, ACK] Seq=500760 Ack=325 Win=64240 Len=1448 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
\ No newline at end of file
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