Commit 87eacee2 authored by Sivalingam Thanojan's avatar Sivalingam Thanojan

This is my first commit

parent abaf3567
import noise_supression.config as cfg
import numpy as np
import noise_supression.prepare_data as pp_data
import pickle
import sys
import os
from keras.models import load_model
from noise_supression.spectrogram_to_wave import recover_wav
class AudioEnhancer:
def __init__(self):
self.model = load_model(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'model/md_10000iters.h5'))
self.scaler = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'model/scaler.p'), 'rb'))
self.n_window = cfg.n_window
self.n_overlap = cfg.n_overlap
self.fs = cfg.sample_rate
self.scale = True
def enhance_audio(self, speech_dir, output_dir, n_concat=7, n_hop=3):
(speech_audio, _) = pp_data.read_audio(speech_dir, target_fs=self.fs)
# Extract spectrogram.
mixed_complx_x = pp_data.calc_sp(speech_audio, mode='complex')
mixed_x = np.abs(mixed_complx_x)
# Process data.
n_pad = int((n_concat - 1) / 2)
mixed_x = pp_data.pad_with_border(mixed_x, n_pad)
mixed_x = pp_data.log_sp(mixed_x)
# Scale data.
if self.scale:
mixed_x = pp_data.scale_on_2d(mixed_x, self.scaler)
# Cut input spectrogram to 3D segments with n_concat.
mixed_x_3d = pp_data.mat_2d_to_3d(mixed_x, agg_num=n_concat, hop=1)
# Predict.
pred = self.model.predict(mixed_x_3d)
# Inverse scale.
if self.scale:
pred = pp_data.inverse_scale_on_2d(pred, self.scaler)
# Recover enhanced wav.
pred_sp = np.exp(pred)
s = recover_wav(pred_sp, mixed_complx_x, self.n_overlap, np.hamming)
s *= np.sqrt((np.hamming(self.n_window)**2).sum()) # Scaler for compensate the amplitude
# change after spectrogram and IFFT.
pp_data.write_audio(output_dir, s, self.fs)
class AudioEnhancerTIMIT:
def __init__(self):
self.model = load_model('model/at')
self.scaler = pickle.load(open('model/th', 'rb'), encoding='latin1')
self.n_window = 512
self.n_overlap = 256
self.fs = 16000
self.scale = True
def enhance_audio(self, speech_dir, output_dir, n_concat=11, n_hop=3):
(speech_audio, _) = pp_data.read_audio(speech_dir, target_fs=self.fs)
# Extract spectrogram.
mixed_complx_x = pp_data.calc_sp(speech_audio, mode='complex')
mixed_x = np.abs(mixed_complx_x)
# Process data.
n_pad = int((n_concat - 1) / 2)
mixed_x = pp_data.pad_with_border(mixed_x, n_pad)
mixed_x = pp_data.log_sp(mixed_x)
# Scale data.
if self.scale:
mixed_x = pp_data.scale_on_2d(mixed_x, self.scaler)
# Cut input spectrogram to 3D segments with n_concat.
mixed_x_3d = pp_data.mat_2d_to_3d(mixed_x, agg_num=n_concat, hop=1)
# Predict.
pred = self.model.predict(mixed_x_3d)
# Inverse scale.
if self.scale:
pred = pp_data.inverse_scale_on_2d(pred, self.scaler)
# Recover enhanced wav.
pred_sp = np.exp(pred)
s = recover_wav(pred_sp, mixed_complx_x, self.n_overlap, np.hamming)
s *= np.sqrt((np.hamming(self.n_window)**2).sum()) # Scaler for compensate the amplitude
# change after spectrogram and IFFT.
pp_data.write_audio(output_dir, s, self.fs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ae = AudioEnhancer()
ae.enhance_audio(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
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