Commit 0e0508f7 authored by A.P.R.C. Abeyrathna's avatar A.P.R.C. Abeyrathna

Research Completed Finally

parent 965a558d
from helpers import load_map_train, load_map_test, load_map_bus
(1,5, 10, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10]),
(1,5, 5, [5]),
(1,3, 18, [3, 2, 1, 16, 17, 18]),
(1,14, 18, [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]),
(1,15, 2, [15, 16, 1, 2])
def test(path_planner_function):
print('testing started ---------------')
correct = 0
for mapval, start, goal, answer_path in ANSWERS:
if mapval == 3:
map = load_map_train()
elif mapval == 2:
map = load_map_bus()
map = load_map_test()
path = path_planner_function(map, start, goal).path
if path == answer_path:
correct += 1
print("For start:", start,
"Goal: ", goal,
"Your path:", path,
"Correct: ", answer_path)
print("Error Testing faild !!!" )
if correct == len(ANSWERS):
print("All tests pass ")
print("Only passed", correct, "/", len(ANSWERS), "test cases")
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