Commit 7371f7ab authored by Gamage G.G.I.V.M's avatar Gamage G.G.I.V.M

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parent ae24e9a4
import sqlite3
import random
import string
# Step 1: Connect to the SQLite database
conn = sqlite3.connect('event_flow.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Step 2: Define the target function for vulnerability identification
# Modify this function according to your specific scenario
def identify_vulnerabilities(event_flow_graph_data):
# Implement your vulnerability identification logic here
# This function will receive the event flow graph data retrieved from the database
# Analyze the data, apply protocol fuzzing techniques, and identify vulnerabilities
# Example: Perform protocol fuzzing on the event flow graph data
for graph_data in event_flow_graph_data:
# Apply protocol fuzzing techniques
# ...
# Identify vulnerabilities based on fuzzing results
# ...
# Log or handle any identified vulnerabilities
# ...
# Step 3: Retrieve event flow graph data from the database
def retrieve_event_flow_graph_data():
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM event_flow')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
return rows
# Step 4: Define the fuzzing inputs
def generate_random_input(length):
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(length))
# Step 5: Fuzzing process
def fuzzing_process():
event_flow_graph_data = retrieve_event_flow_graph_data()
for graph_data in event_flow_graph_data:
input_data = generate_random_input(10) # Generate a random input
# Modify the input data to match the expected format of the event flow graph data
# ...
# Call the target function with the fuzzed input
except Exception as e:
# Log or handle any exceptions or crashes encountered during fuzzing
print(f"Exception occurred: {e}")
# Step 6: Execute the fuzzing process
# Step 7: Close the database connection
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