Commit af098b05 authored by Gamage G.G.I.V.M's avatar Gamage G.G.I.V.M

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parent 196c7035
from scapy.all import *
import sqlite3
# Define functions to create fuzzed packets for different protocols
def create_fuzzed_ssl_packet():
# Implement SSL packet creation with fuzzed data
def create_fuzzed_tcp_packet():
# Implement TCP packet creation with fuzzed data
def create_fuzzed_dns_packet():
# Implement DNS packet creation with fuzzed data
def create_fuzzed_erf_packet():
# Implement ERF packet creation with fuzzed data
def create_fuzzed_ntp_packet():
# Implement NTP packet creation with fuzzed data
# Implement the is_vulnerable function (replace this with actual implementation)
def is_vulnerable(packet):
# Your vulnerability detection logic here
# Return True if vulnerable, False otherwise
# Function to detect vulnerabilities in captured_packets.db using fuzzing
def detect_vulnerabilities(db_file):
connection = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Create a new database for storing vulnerabilities
vulnerability_connection = sqlite3.connect("detected_vulnerabilities.db")
vulnerability_cursor = vulnerability_connection.cursor()
# ... (rest of the code as in your original script) ...
# Close the connections to the databases
# Call the function to detect vulnerabilities in captured_packets.db
print("Vulnerability detection process completed.")
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