Commit bcdeadae authored by SohanDanushka's avatar SohanDanushka

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/QA_RELEASE' into db_and_monitoring_IT17097284

parents 03720152 df06d2d8
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from MonitorLecturerApp.models import LectureRecordedVideo, LecturerVideoMetaDat
from MonitorLecturerApp.serializers import LectureRecordedVideoSerializer, LecturerVideoMetaDataSerializer
from rest_framework.views import *
from .logic import activity_recognition as ar
from . import emotion_detector as ed
from . import emotion_detector as ed, automation_process as ap
from .logic import id_generator as ig
from .logic import pdf_file_generator as pdf
from .logic import head_gaze_estimation as hge
......@@ -1647,3 +1647,23 @@ class DisplayUpcomingLecturesAPI(APIView):
"subject_code": subject_code,
# this API will handle all the batch processes and video/audio saving to the system
class AutomationProcess(APIView):
def get(self, request):
return Response({
"response": "This API will be used for Automation process"
def post(self, request):
lecturer =['lecturer']
subject =['subject']
subject_code =['subject_code']
video_length =['video_length']
processed = ap.automation_process(lecturer=lecturer, subject=subject, subject_code=subject_code, video_length=video_length)
return Response({
"is_processed": processed
\ No newline at end of file
import requests
import json
from . logic import batch_process as bp
from MonitorLecturerApp.logic import lecturer_batch_process as lbp
import datetime
# this method will save the lecture video
# def save_student_lecture_video(student_video):
# data_dumps = json.dumps(student_video)
# headers = {
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# }
# # call the API
# # student_video_save_resp ='', student_video)
# student_video_save_resp ='', data=data_dumps, headers=headers)
# data = student_video_save_resp.json()
# return data[0]
# # this method will save the lecturer video details
# def save_lecturer_video_details(video):
# headers = {
# "Content-Type": "application/json"
# }
# # convert the data into JSON string
# video_json_str = json.dumps(video)
# lecturer_video_resp ='', data=video_json_str, headers=headers)
# response = lecturer_video_resp.json()
# return response[0]
# this method will handle the batch processing and video/audio saving pf the system
def automation_process(lecturer, subject, subject_code, video_length="00:20:00"):
current_date =
# this variable will be returned
is_all_processed = False
# define the video/audio names to be saved
student_video_name = str(current_date) + "_{}_student_video.mp4".format(subject_code)
lecturer_video_name = str(current_date) + "_{}_lecturer_video.mp4".format(subject_code)
lecturer_audio_name = str(current_date) + "_{}_lecturer_audio.wav".format(subject_code)
# this variable will be passed in the individual batch process
student_video_id = 0
# create the student video content
student_video_content = {
"lecturer": lecturer,
"subject": subject,
"date": str(current_date),
"video_name": student_video_name,
"video_length": video_length
# create the student video content
lecturer_video_content = {
"lecturer": lecturer,
"subject": subject,
"lecturer_date": str(current_date),
"lecture_video_name": lecturer_video_name,
"lecture_video_length": video_length
# create the lecturer audio
lecturer_audio_content = {}
# save the student video
student_video_response = bp.save_student_lecture_video(student_video_content)
# student_video_response = save_student_lecture_video(student_video_content)
student_video_id = student_video_response['id']
# save the lecturer video
lecturer_video_response = lbp.save_lecturer_video_details(lecturer_video_content)
# lecturer_video_response = save_lecturer_video_details(lecturer_video_content)
print('lecturer video response: ', lecturer_video_response)
# save the lecturer audio
# start the batch processing for lecture summarization component
# lecture_summary_batch_process = lecture_summarization_batch_process(audio_name)
lecture_summary_batch_process = True
# if the lecture summarization process is successful
# if lecture_summary_batch_process:
# # start the batch processing for monitoring lecturer performance component
# lecturer_batch_process_response = lecturer_batch_process(lecturer_video_name, lecturer_audio_name)
# # if the lecturer performance process is successful
# if lecturer_batch_process_response:
# # start the batch processing for monitoring student behavior component
# student_batch_process_response = student_behavior_batch_process(student_video_id, student_video_name)
# # if the student behavior process is successful
# if student_batch_process_response:
# is_all_processed = True
# return the status
return is_all_processed
# test the above method using 'main' method
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# lecturer = 1
# subject = 16
# subject_code = "IT1120"
# # call the method
# automation_process(lecturer, subject, subject_code)
......@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ def student_behavior_batch_process(video_id, video_name):
return is_all_processed
# this method will save the lecture video
# this method will save the student lecture video
def save_student_lecture_video(student_video):
data_dumps = json.dumps(student_video)
response = None
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
......@@ -43,11 +44,12 @@ def save_student_lecture_video(student_video):
student_video_save_resp ='', data=data_dumps, headers=headers)
data = student_video_save_resp.json()
response = data[0]
return data[0]
return response
if __name__ == '__main__':
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# content = {
# "lecturer": 1,
# "subject": 16,
......@@ -63,5 +65,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# save_student_lecture_video(content)
student_behavior_batch_process(8, "Video_test_8.mp4")
# student_behavior_batch_process(8, "Video_test_8.mp4")
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -195,6 +195,9 @@ urlpatterns = [
# perform random task (delete later)
url(r'^display-upcoming-lectures/$', api.DisplayUpcomingLecturesAPI.as_view()),
# perform random task (delete later)
url(r'^automation-process/', api.AutomationProcess.as_view()),
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