Commit 4933159c authored by Deshini Perera's avatar Deshini Perera

Add new file

parent d643e8cc
from tkinter import *
from Obj_main import *
from tkinter import messagebox
def Scan():
PO_NO = entry1.get()
if len(PO_NO) == 0:
messagebox.showerror('No Po Number Enterd', 'Enter Po Number')
Items = dectection_video_file(True,None,'yolov3-tiny.weights','yolov3-tiny.cfg','coco.names',0.5,0.4)
print('detected Items List is : ', Items)
# declare the window
window = Tk()
# set window title
window.title("Package Recieval for PO's")
# set window width and height
window.configure(width=500, height=300)
# set window background color
#Create a canvas object
canvas= Canvas(window, width= 500, height= 300, bg="lightgray")
#Add a text in Canvas
canvas.create_text(100, 50, text="Enter PO Number", fill="black", font=('Helvetica 10'))
#Add Entry Box
entry1 = Entry()
canvas.create_window(230,50, window = entry1)
#Add Button
canvas.create_window(350,50, window = Button(text = 'Scan', command = Scan))
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