Commit 20e860a0 authored by Chamod Ishankha's avatar Chamod Ishankha

dto changes

parent 4d8d4bc8
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ public class BabyDto {
@NotEmpty(message = "Baby's gender is required")
private String sex;
private String status = STATUS_NEW;
private boolean isActive;
private float weight;
private float height;
private Boolean isActive;
private Float weight;
private Float height;
private String bloodType;
private String eyeColor;
private String hairColor;
......@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ public class Baby {
private LocalDate dob;
private String sex;
private String status;
private boolean isActive;
private float weight;
private float height;
private Boolean isActive;
private Float weight;
private Float height;
private String bloodType;
private String eyeColor;
private String hairColor;
......@@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ public class BabyController {
return ResponseEntity.ok(babyService.getAllBabies());
public ResponseEntity<BabyDto> getBabyById(@PathVariable Long babyId) {"Inside baby controller getBabyById method");
return ResponseEntity.ok(babyService.getBabyById(babyId));
public ResponseEntity<BabyDto> updateBaby(@PathVariable Long babyId, @RequestBody BabyDto babyDto) {"Inside baby controller updateBaby method");
return ResponseEntity.ok(babyService.updateBaby(babyId, babyDto));
public ResponseEntity<ResponseDto> deleteBaby(@PathVariable Long babyId) {"Inside baby controller deleteBaby method");
return ResponseEntity.ok(babyService.deleteBaby(babyId));
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