Commit 9684ed1e authored by Prabuddha Gimhan's avatar Prabuddha Gimhan

Replace relevant to dyslexia module (function 3)

parent bf57cadd
# LearnJoy-ML
# Learn Joy - Function 3
## Table of Contents
[Function 3 Development](#function-3-development)
* [1. About Function 3](#1-About-Function-3)
* [2. Function 3 processing & ML Model Development](#3-Function-3-processing-&-ML-Model-Development-folder)
* [3. Service Files](#3-Service-Files-folder)
* [4. Fast API & app file](#4-Fast-API-&-app-file-folder)
## Function 3 Development
### 1.About Function 3
- This function include three main parts:
- 1. Speech to text : Convert the voice to text children with Dyslexia
- 2. Accuracy : The accuracy of the pronunciation should be given as a percentage.
- 3. Text to speech : Convert the the Missing or wrong pronounsation words to voice.
### 2. Function 1 processing & ML Model Development ()
- Inside this folder, you'll come across one Jupyter Notebooks dedicated to data preprocessing and model training:
- `lj_function03.ipynb`: This file primarily involves to loard the speech to text & text to spech pre training models and finaly return the accuracy score.
### 3. Service Files ()
- Within this directory, there are one python ".py" files:
- ``: This service file include three main functions(speech to text , scoring , text to speech)
- input : sound file and text `def speech_to_text(audio_file) , def scoring(words,transcriptions) ,def text_to_speech(text,return_tensors="pt")`
- Attached models : speech to text ([Link](
- License : ` Apache License` ([Link](
Text to speech ([Link](
- License : ` MIT License` ([Link](
- Process : This method is responsible for get the speech and convertto text and compaired with orginal text and return to speech accurasy and missing word speech
- Output : sentences and word scoring, missing words and voice of missing words.
### 4. Fast API & app file ()
- Within this module include one Fast API end points for function 3 :
- 1. Request body : orginal word , audio file
async def main_fun03(words:str, audio_file: UploadFile = File(...)):
- Request URL: ``
- Response body:
"Scoring": {
"final_sent_score": 100,
"final_word_score": 100,
"missing_voice2": []
"audio_file": {
"path": "C:\\Users\\KAUSH\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpefzwhc1x.wav",
"status_code": 200,
"filename": "speech.wav",
"media_type": "audio/wav",
"background": null,
"raw_headers": [
"attachment; filename=\"speech.wav\""
"_headers": {
"content-type": "audio/wav",
"content-disposition": "attachment; filename=\"speech.wav\""
"stat_result": null
Machine Learning Model for Learnjoy app
## FastAPI Development
- To run the API, please ensure you have installed the required packages, "fastapi" and "uvicorn." If you haven't already installed them, you can do so using the following commands:
pip install fastapi
pip install "uvicorn[standard]"
- Once these packages are installed, you can proceed to run the API.
1. To run the api, use the following command inside the API folder:
2. You can access the project output in your browser using the following URL:
3. To explore the API documentation, visit:
## Setting Up the Development Environment
Follow these steps to set up your development environment for this project:
### Create a New `venv`
1. Navigate to your project directory:
cd /path/to/your/project
2. Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv <venv_name>
### Activate and Deactivate `venv`
- In `cmd`:
- In bash:
source <venv_name>/Scripts/activate
# To deactivate the virtual environment:
### Create, Activate & Deactivate `venv` using conda
- Use Anaconda Navigator to create a venv:
# Activate the conda environment
conda activate <venv_name>
# To deactivate the conda environment
conda deactivate
### Install the Dependencies
- You can also use a `requirements.txt` file to manage your project's dependencies. This file lists all the required packages and their versions.
1. Install packages from `requirements.txt`:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This ensures that your development environment matches the exact package versions specified in `requirements.txt`.
2. Verify installed packages:
pip list
This will display a list of packages currently installed in your virtual environment, including the ones from `requirements.txt`.
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