Commit ee7a8c99 authored by Theivasekamani Sriram's avatar Theivasekamani Sriram


parent 0237f64e
# TMP-2023-24-120
**Main objective :** Develop an accurate and reliable skin disease detection system that utilizes image processing techniques, machine
learning algorithms to automatically analyze and classify skin images, providing timely and accurate diagnoses. The
system aims to assist community, patients and healthcare professionals in early detection, improving patient care,
and reducing manual diagnosis efforts
**Main Research questions :**
Why skincare is important?
Why do we need E-SKINCARE?
What are the common skin diseases in Sri Lanka?
Who is getting beneficiaries of this system?
**Individual research question :**
*Image Classification and Diagnosis*
How can we identify a wide range of skin diseases?
How can the image classification function adapt to newly emerging skin types over time?
How can the image classification function effectively handle variations in image quality submitted by users?
*Symptom Identification and Diagnosis*
Why is Symptoms Identification Important?
How Does Symptoms Identification Improve Diagnosis Accuracy?
How Can Symptom Identification Improve Personalized Treatment Recommendations?
*Treatment Recommendation*
Why Treatment recommendation is important in E-SKINCARE?
How we are going to prefer treatment recommendation for the diseases?
How to make sure, how is our treatment recommendation is helping for the patients?
*Feedback Analyze*
How can we effectively visualize and communicate disease progress to users in an easily interpretable format?
How can we optimize the system to provide timely feedback to users to monitor the progression of their skin diseases?
How can we improve the accuracy of skin disease progress assessments using image comparison techniques?
**Individual Objectives :**
*Image Classification and Diagnosis* - The system aims to achieve skin diseases at an early stage to ensure reliable and precise diagnoses.
*Symptom Identification and Diagnosis* - Develop an intelligent and accurate system that can effectively identify and diagnose skin disease symptoms based on
user-provided textual descriptions, contributing to the early detection and treatment of skinconditions.
*Treatment Recommendation* - The objective is to provide evidence-based treatment recommendations,considering the specific disease, its severity,patient characteristics,
and relevant medical guidelines.
*Feedback Analyze* - The primary objective is to empower patients with the ability to monitor and understand the progression of their skin conditions by comparing
before treatment images with initial diagnoses . This objective aligns with improving patient engagement and facilitating informed decision-making.
**Other necessary information :**
Offer a wide-label version of E-SKINCARE, that can be integrated into dermatologist clinic & and telemedicine platform.
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