Commit 03aec99a authored by Maneka Wijesundara's avatar Maneka Wijesundara


parent 60e83747
......@@ -3,24 +3,21 @@
Veterinary Medical App to Identify and Treat Animal Diseases (TrustyPet)
**1.Main Objective***
Assist pet owners to treat and care for their pets.
Assist pet owners to treat and care for their pets(especially cats).
**2.Main research questions**
Where and how can a pet owner with a busy schedule care for their pet?
Identify the breed of a cat and identify their diseases when symtoms are given.
**3.Individual Research Question**
question 01:What is the specific animal disease and to predict it when the symptoms are given.(IT20262822)
question 02:how to find the best veterinary clinic for your pet?(IT19980782)
question 03:get medicine to specific animal disease and show a pharmacy where they are available.(IT20033064)
question 02:how to find breed of a cat easily when image is inputted?(IT19980782)
question 03:get medicine to specific animal disease and show a pharmacy where they are available.(IT20033064)(member left group)
question 04:: Among the treatment methods used for diseases affecting animals, showing the most successful treatment method for that disease.
(IT20149826)(member left group)
**4.Individual Objectives**
objective 01:My research area will help animal owners to administer first aid incase of an emergency and help veterinarians to get
second opinion on their diagnosis
objective 02:The flood of data through the internet is overwhelming all the people and creates a lot of hastle.There are millions of
vet clinics out there in the Internet.But through my component any personcan enter some few to several details that describe their expectation
to find the best vet clinic that might care for your pet.You can find a vet clinic through a couple of button clicks while at home resting on
a comfortable couch.
objective 03:Help pet owners to find pharmacies that can purchase medications for their pets in a very short period of time.
objective 04:My area of research is to help veterinary doctors to quickly find the best treatment for animal disease in a very short time.
objective 02:allow non expertised people to identify cat breed through image.
objective 03:Help pet owners to find pharmacies that can purchase medications for their pets in a very short period of time.(member left group)
objective 04:My area of research is to help veterinary doctors to quickly find the best treatment for animal disease in a very short time.(member left group)
**5.Other necessary information**
This is our final year research project.
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