Commit 249c2dda authored by De Silva K.N.H's avatar De Silva K.N.H

Merge branch...

Merge branch 'Detect_network_anomalies,_deceive_attackers_with_honeypot_and_threat_sharing_system' into 'master'

Added code files to my part

See merge request !1
parents 86b0672c f81d3162
import joblib
import re
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from tkinter import messagebox
# Load the dumped models
classifier = joblib.load('naive_bayes_model.joblib')
cv = joblib.load('count_vectorizer.joblib')
# Function to Clean the texts
def preprocess_text(text):
log = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', text)
log = log.lower()
log = log.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
log = [ps.stem(word) for word in log if not word in set(stopwords.words('english'))]
log = ' '.join(log)
return log
# New log insert
new_text = input("Enter the traffic info: ")
preprocessed_text = preprocess_text(new_text)
# Use the loaded CountVectorizer object to transform the preprocessed text into a bag of words representation
new_text_bow = cv.transform([preprocessed_text]).toarray()
# Use the loaded GaussianNB object to make predictions on the new log data
predicted_class = classifier.predict(new_text_bow)
# Display a pop-up message based on the predicted class
if predicted_class:
messagebox.showinfo("Anomaly Detected", "Anomaly detected in the traffic!")
messagebox.showinfo("No Anomaly", "No anomaly detected in the traffic.")
# Non Malicious Packet Info
# Adjacency Message (Syn)
# 19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0
# Malicious Packet Info
# 80 > 51451 [ACK] Seq=214260 Ack=712 Win=16128 Len=1460 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
# 80 > 49234 [PSH, ACK] Seq=500760 Ack=325 Win=64240 Len=1448 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
"1","0.000000","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=4128 Len=0 MSS=1460"
"2","0.000000","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=4128 Len=0 MSS=1460"
"3","0.000000","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=4128 Len=0"
"4","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Syn)"
"5","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Syn)"
"6","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (SynAck)"
"7","0.008000","","","ANCP","136","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"8","0.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"9","0.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=145 Ack=145 Win=3984 Len=0"
"10","10.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"11","10.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"12","10.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=193 Ack=193 Win=3936 Len=0"
"13","20.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"14","20.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"15","20.207998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=241 Ack=241 Win=3888 Len=0"
"16","30.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"17","30.008000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"18","30.215998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=289 Ack=289 Win=3840 Len=0"
"19","40.016000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"20","40.016000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"21","40.215998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=337 Win=3792 Len=0"
"22","40.215998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=337 Win=3792 Len=0"
"23","44.107999","","","ANCP","120","Port-Management Message"
"24","44.327997","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=337 Ack=417 Win=3712 Len=0"
"25","44.936000","","","ANCP","124","Port-Management Message"
"26","45.147999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=417 Ack=421 Win=3708 Len=0"
"27","50.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"28","50.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"29","50.235998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=465 Ack=469 Win=3660 Len=0"
"30","60.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"31","60.028000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"32","60.227998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=517 Ack=513 Win=3616 Len=0"
"33","68.255998","","","ANCP","120","Port-Management Message"
"34","68.455996","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=517 Ack=593 Win=3536 Len=0"
"35","68.864001","","","ANCP","96","Port-Management Message"
"36","69.063999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=593 Ack=573 Win=3556 Len=0"
"37","70.024000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"38","70.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"39","70.255998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=621 Ack=641 Win=3488 Len=0"
"40","80.024000","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"41","80.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"42","80.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=669 Ack=689 Win=3440 Len=0"
"43","81.355997","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"44","81.556003","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=761 Win=3368 Len=0"
"45","82.463996","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"46","82.664002","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=853 Win=3276 Len=0"
"47","84.716002","","","ANCP","116","Port-Down Message"
"48","84.916000","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=929 Win=3200 Len=0"
"49","85.684002","","","ANCP","116","Port-Down Message"
"50","85.884001","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=689 Ack=1005 Win=3124 Len=0"
"51","90.035999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"52","90.055999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"53","90.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1053 Ack=737 Win=3392 Len=0"
"54","90.984000","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"55","91.183998","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=737 Ack=1145 Win=2984 Len=0"
"56","91.896001","","","ANCP","132","Port-Up Message"
"57","92.095999","","","TCP","50","6068 > 19717 [ACK] Seq=737 Ack=1237 Win=2892 Len=0"
"58","100.043999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"59","100.063999","","","ANCP","88","Adjacency Message (Ack)"
"60","100.263998","","","TCP","50","19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"16","3.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"17","3.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"18","3.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"19","3.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"20","3.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"21","4.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"22","4.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"23","4.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"24","4.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"25","4.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"26","5.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"27","5.200000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"28","5.400000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"29","5.600000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"30","5.800000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"31","6.000000","","","BFD Control","94","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"16","3.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"17","3.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"18","3.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"19","3.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"20","3.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"21","4.000000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"22","4.200000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"23","4.400000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"24","4.600000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"25","4.800000","","","BFD Control","98","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"2","0.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"3","0.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"4","0.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"5","0.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"6","1.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"7","1.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"8","1.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"9","1.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"10","1.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"11","2.000000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"12","2.200000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"13","2.400000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"14","2.600000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"15","2.800000","","","BFD Control","79","Diag: No Diagnostic, State: Down, Flags: 0x04"
"1","0.000000","","","IPv4","1010","Fragmented IP protocol (proto=ICMP 1, off=0, ID=b5d0) [Reassembled in #2]"
"2","0.000065","","","ICMP","466","Echo (ping) request id=0x13c2, seq=1/256, ttl=64 (reply in 3)"
"3","0.000509","","","ICMP","1442","Echo (ping) reply id=0x13c2, seq=1/256, ttl=64 (request in 2)"
"1","0.000000","fe80::205:5:5:5","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","105","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
"2","25.410000","fe80::214:14:14:14","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","97","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
"3","198.440000","fe80::20a:a:a:a","ff02::1a","ICMPv6","113","RPL Control (DODAG Information Object)"
# Natural Language Processing for Predict Network Anomaly
# Importing the libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import joblib
# Importing the dataset
dataset = pd.read_csv('dataset.tsv', delimiter = '\t', quoting = 3)
# Cleaning the texts
import re
import nltk'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
corpus = []
for i in range(0, 5550):
log = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', dataset['Info'][i])
log = log.lower()
log = log.split()
ps = PorterStemmer()
log = [ps.stem(word) for word in log if not word in set(stopwords.words('english'))]
log = ' '.join(log)
# Creating the Bag of Words model
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
cv = CountVectorizer(max_features = 3000)
X = cv.fit_transform(corpus).toarray()
y = dataset.iloc[:, 1].values
# Splitting the dataset into the Training set and Test set
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.20, random_state = 0)
# Training the Naive Bayes model on the Training set
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
classifier = GaussianNB(), y_train)
# Predicting the Test set results
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
# Making the Confusion Matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
print("Confusion Matrix")
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print('Accuracy: %.3f' % accuracy)
#Precision Score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
precision = precision_score(y_test, y_pred, average='binary')
print('Precision: %.3f' % precision)
#Recall Score
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
recall = recall_score(y_test, y_pred)
print('Recall: %.3f' % recall)
#F1 Score
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
# y_test is the actual values, y_pred is the predicted values
f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_pred, average='binary')
print('F1 Score: %.3f' % f1)
print("Predicted Outcomes of the Model")
print("Actual Outcomes of the Predicted Results")
# Visualizing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, cmap='Blues')
plt.title('Confusion Matrix')
plt.xlabel('Predicted Label')
plt.ylabel('True Label')
# Calculating the number of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred).ravel()
# Creating a bar chart to show the comparison between the predicted and true outcomes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()['True Negatives', 'False Positives', 'False Negatives', 'True Positives'], [tn, fp, fn, tp])
ax.set_title('Comparison of Predicted and True Outcomes')
# Dumping the trained model to a file
joblib.dump(classifier, 'naive_bayes_model.joblib')
# Dumping the CountVectorizer
joblib.dump(cv, 'count_vectorizer.joblib')
\ No newline at end of file
# Non Malicious Packet Info
# Adjacency Message (Syn)
# 19717 > 6068 [ACK] Seq=1285 Ack=785 Win=3344 Len=0
# Malicious Packet Info
# 80 > 51451 [ACK] Seq=214260 Ack=712 Win=16128 Len=1460 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
# 80 > 49234 [PSH, ACK] Seq=500760 Ack=325 Win=64240 Len=1448 [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
\ No newline at end of file
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