Commit e45b49a7 authored by Gamage G.G.I.V.M's avatar Gamage G.G.I.V.M

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parent af098b05
from scapy.all import *
import sqlite3
# Define functions to create valid packets for different protocols
def create_valid_ssl_packet():
# Implement SSL packet creation with valid data
def create_valid_tcp_packet():
# Implement TCP packet creation with valid data
def create_valid_dns_packet():
# Implement DNS packet creation with valid data
def create_valid_erf_packet():
# Implement ERF packet creation with valid data
def create_valid_ntp_packet():
# Implement NTP packet creation with valid data
# Function to generate test cases and store them in a database
def generate_test_cases():
# Connect to the SQLite database to store the test cases
connection = sqlite3.connect("test_cases.db")
cursor = connection.cursor()
protocols = ['SSL', 'TCP', 'DNS', 'ERF', 'NTP']
for protocol in protocols:
if protocol == 'SSL':
valid_packet = create_valid_ssl_packet()
elif protocol == 'TCP':
valid_packet = create_valid_tcp_packet()
elif protocol == 'DNS':
valid_packet = create_valid_dns_packet()
elif protocol == 'ERF':
valid_packet = create_valid_erf_packet()
elif protocol == 'NTP':
valid_packet = create_valid_ntp_packet()
# Store the valid packet in the 'test_cases' table
query = "INSERT INTO test_cases (protocol, source, destination, length) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
if valid_packet is not None:
cursor.execute(query, (protocol, '', '', len(valid_packet)))
print(f"Error: Failed to create valid packet for protocol {protocol}")
# Close the connection to the database
# Call the function to generate and store test cases
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